User Comments - chij

Posted on: Autumn Outing
November 22, 2008, 04:17 PMPost some videos at the Elementary level please! I love watching them and trying to figure out what's happening, but they're really tough. I loved Jenny's "boy who cried wolf" video because it was easy to follow.
Posted on: The Boy That Cried Wolf
October 13, 2008, 01:25 PMWatching a familiar story is a great way to learn. I'm at the elementary level but often listen to intermediate podcasts to stretch myself. This video was pretty easy for me! More please.
Posted on: Around the Office
October 03, 2008, 01:45 AMThis was a useful lesson, and it was entertaining to see you all "in your natural habitat." Love your office - nice view of the river.
Posted on: Cosmetic Surgery and Mooncakes
September 13, 2008, 02:42 PMAs an Elementary poddie I liked the fact that the guests spoke a lot of Chinese today. I can still only pick out the occasional word but it's such a joy when I recognize enough to get the gist of a sentence! (I listen to the intermediate lessons for the same reason.) And Amber's responses make it pretty clear what was being said, so I don't feel I'm missing out on the information.
So encourage your guests to speak Mandarin Amber! Thanks to all who posted pix of Chinese cakes for those of us who don't live there (and have never been there. Why am I learning Chinese? Just because CPod makes it fun!)
Posted on: Not Cooked Enough
September 28, 2009, 02:51 PMIs there a lesson set on things Westerners would have problems with in restaurants (anything alive, too much bones & skin, innards etc.)? If I ever get to visit China I want to study up on that before I go. I dread ordering something gross. I'm not a total wimp - I'll order the dish of the day in the local Japanese restaurant and believe me, there are some pretty unidentifiable things in there. But moving shrimp would have ME screaming 啊啊啊 too.