User Comments - cdcjripodtouch
Posted on: Satellites, DVDs and ABCs
April 18, 2011, 09:51 AMHi Catherine...Point taken well Thanks and More Power (加油)to you guys at Add more lessons hehe=)
Posted on: Satellites, DVDs and ABCs
April 18, 2011, 07:43 AMSo the question right now is How did Catherine get the Idea that......and/or what does she meant by " These satellite TV is illegally purchased.......... and a lot of them ended up on these Filipino companies" try to listen carefully I guess it is somewhere between 1:30 to 1:44 minutes from the opening of the news and Features
Posted on: Satellites, DVDs and ABCs
April 18, 2011, 07:22 AMIf let's say your research and the given facts really came out as true then I don't this would look good for Pinoys it would just create an impression that any underground or piracy is being promoted by them in which I'm hoping it would be just a coincident
Posted on: Satellites, DVDs and ABCs
April 18, 2011, 05:12 AMAre most of the pirated or those underground satellite dish distributed in China, being sold by Filipinos or Filipino Company only?
Posted on: Buying High Quality DVDs
April 19, 2011, 07:23 AM这样吧!你应该选那种DVD含蓝光版的电影片才行,再说,这种蓝光版不是真正的蓝光光盘而是把蓝光片在DVD之内抄下来的,然后他们把这种盗版的产品卖成蓝光光盘。。。真厉害。。其实你看这种东西也会让眼睛看得非常非常清楚而价格多么便宜。