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Posted on: 古埃及
February 16, 2010, 07:30 PM


Posted on: 古埃及
February 16, 2010, 07:30 PM


Posted on: 古埃及
February 16, 2010, 07:27 PM





Posted on: 古埃及
February 16, 2010, 07:15 PM

(大伟 Da4 wei3 David (name)) - David is 大卫 Da4 Wei4

体现 ti3 xian4 (she pronounce it not so right; quite like ti3 xie 4; she pronounce every "an" as "ie", "ing" as "in")

And the man pronounce "zh/ch/sh" as "z/c/s"

Posted on: 古埃及
February 16, 2010, 07:08 PM

I searched a lot but find nothing really helps.

I may explain this sentence as a colloquial one, which equals "看你激动的","看" here is also colloquial.

Or "看(这件事)把你激动的"="看(这件事)让你激动的"。The only function of "把" in this sentence is to make 你 as an object to emphasize 你. But it's not a rule; just colloquial speech.

把sentences-"把字句" is difficult to handle.

Posted on: Foot Therapy
February 16, 2010, 06:52 PM

Me too, and my feet is light purple color in winter. Many girls suffer it. Grandmas tend to let u take "point massage" 穴位按摩 by yourself. Maybe it's an easy way to also improve your circulation. Just but a book about point massage.

I don't trust traditional Chinese medical science at all, but I must concede it really works and still be using by many people.

Posted on: Evading Nosy Questions
February 15, 2010, 05:42 PM

And a syllable in the third tone in front of another syllable in the third tone pronounced the second tone.

Posted on: Evading Nosy Questions
February 15, 2010, 05:40 PM

I think most Chinese pronounce yī in the tone BETWEEN the forth tone and untoned in front of another syllable in the first tone.

Do you think I am right, native speakers?

Posted on: Cold Weather Is Coming
February 15, 2010, 05:32 PM


It's interesting to compare the temperature of

Sanya, Hainan (21℃ now,night)

Mohe, Heilongjiang (-35℃)


The history of temperature of Febrary Ürümqi, Xinjiang

H: 14℃(1979)

L: -42℃(1951)

Posted on: Cold Weather Is Coming
February 15, 2010, 05:23 PM

To make it clear, you'd better say



Yes it's context-dependent. Some examples: (It's quite hard to find proper examples)



-"来了"(I'm coming. It's like to say "I (will) already came.")







(That's because "过“&"了" are sign of past tense)

Usually 1&2 are used in scenes which the action "come" lasts for a short period. So "I'm coming" equals "I've almost come."