User Comments - azerdocmom

Posted on: Hot Pot
June 09, 2009, 03:05 AMAnother nice video! I love hotpot. When I was in Taipei, we went to a hotpot restaurant that was so conveniently designed just for hotpot cuisine, with an individual hotpot at each person's spot at the table. There was so much food per order it was ridicuous! 真好吃啊!我吃了好多哦!
Posted on: Hungry Traveler: Taiwan
May 24, 2009, 11:45 PMooops....can't seem to insert my photo url (flickr)...
Posted on: Hungry Traveler: Taiwan
May 20, 2009, 04:50 AMCalkins,
Well, thanks for thinking of me. Even if you had told me about that restaurant with the gorgeous food, I wouldn't have had time to go. We were shepharded each day from here to there and had what seemed like an unending string of 8-10 course meals! I was SO stuffed constantly. When I have a chance, I will put some of my >1,000 photos on Flickr for everyone to enjoy.
Ken, Jenny,
Thanks for this podcast. It brought a huge smile to my face as it brought up such vivid memories of my recent wonderful trip to Taiwan. Ken, I think you will love the photos I took; such great food there.
Posted on: Hungry Traveler: Taiwan
May 19, 2009, 03:59 AMCalkins,
Those are absolutely stunning photos : )
Posted on: Mobile Repairmen and AZERDocMom
April 16, 2009, 09:00 PMOMG, that's a cardiovascular surgeon's nightmare...or is it job security? son was referring to the horrible "western" buffet we were taken to while in Suzhou (during our 2008 trip) with pizza that looked like it was panfried. Needless to say, I didn't try it.
Posted on: Chinese New Year News
January 27, 2009, 05:04 AM祝大家新年好!共洗发才! 红包拿来! 大家好好的一起玩好吧。。。
zhu4da4jia1xin1nian2hao3, gong1xi3fa1cai2, hong2bao1na2lai2, da4jia4hao2hao3de yi1qi3wan1ba...
Posted on: Farewell, Son 游子吟
January 23, 2009, 03:26 AMCassie,
I'm going to throw in my 两份 liang2fen1. If you've not found GrammarGirl yet, you should go look. I have it on my iPod. It's educational and fun to listen to. Yes, grammar can be fun, believe it or not. I'm a little bit of a grammar stickler.
Posted on: The Final Show
January 12, 2009, 01:28 AMThanks for the shout-out, was my pleasure to be of assistance.
Posted on: Do you have a cold?
December 11, 2008, 12:08 AM我也很喜欢听 Jay Chou 的歌。 非常好听。我又很多他的CD
wo2ye3xi3huan1 Jay Chou de5ge1. fei1chang2hao3ting1. wo3you3hen3duo1ta1deCD
Posted on: Hot Pot
June 09, 2009, 03:06 AMAnother nice video! I love hotpot. When I was in Taipei, we went to a hotpot restaurant that was so conveniently designed just for hotpot cuisine, with an individual hotpot at each person's spot at the table. There was so much food per order it was ridicuous! 真好吃啊!我吃了太多了!