User Comments - Schalander

Posted on: 海归女对掐主持人
February 09, 2012, 10:42 AMYou are welcome! Im just happy to find some use for my Chinese :P
Posted on: 海归女对掐主持人
February 05, 2012, 05:24 PMI can answer these questions for you, but im sure that the teachers can do it better, so I hope they will answer too. But I will answer them just for fun :D
0:16 求职类的节目
-求asking for 职work 类type of 的节目television show.
-互相攻击对方Attacking each other,嘴上的 using words (using their mouths)
0:33 这件事情的主角儿是一个
The "main character" of this "situation" is a...
0:50 他以前在yangshi
-yangshi 央视 (央视电视台)The main tv channel
0:54 他可能就zhangde最以前在yangshi就很牛
-他可能就"仗着"自己以前在"央视"就很牛 (He believes that he is 牛 because he used to work at 央视
-Neither of the persons fighting/arguing will give up
3:28 折抵bushuang她的
4:04 zheti语言
-肢体语言 (body language)
4:24 太rao了
6:02 一方嘴战
-一番嘴仗 One "battle of words" 一番 is a measure word.
6:14 mingna语的感觉
6:55 以多对少
-Many against few (uneven)
8:52 一边倒的支持她
-Everyone supports her. (They all fall to one side, the side that supports her).
Posted on: 海归女对掐主持人
February 05, 2012, 02:12 PM主持人是有点过分,但是刘俐俐的态度很差。她怎么不能像正常人回答问题呀。毕竟是来求职的嘛,还那样以问答问,烦不烦啊
Posted on: 海归女对掐主持人
February 05, 2012, 02:01 PM同感
Posted on: 海归女对掐主持人
February 05, 2012, 01:59 PM其实我觉得主持人及那些“老板”没什么大问题啊。刘俐俐这个人确实有点令人困惑。主持人在说到中国人该怎么怎么称自己的国家的时候有点过分,但是除了那个之外没什么意外的。这种节目的主持人本来就应该比较狠的嘛。
Posted on: 宗教知识竞赛
February 01, 2012, 11:16 AM其实,还是原来那个录音哦。算了吧,我不提了。反正不是什么大问题。
Posted on: 宗教知识竞赛
January 31, 2012, 02:29 PMPlease if one of the teachers could comment on this. I dont know if maybe its my 听力 that has problems.
Posted on: 宗教知识竞赛
January 30, 2012, 05:04 PMIn the exercise - dictation section, there is a sentence that goes "这个大导演一度穷困潦倒,靠妻子养了好几年".
I can swear that the girl who reads it pronouces 穷困潦倒 的 “穷” as “裙” (qun2). I thought I was mistaken so I let a Chinese friend listen to it, and she said the same thing.
Posted on: 海归女对掐主持人
February 13, 2012, 02:27 PM这种电视节目是为了吸引观众而专门请那些比较有“个性”的人来应聘的,不然会很无聊。你链接的那个视频中的女模特我一听她说话就已经烦她了。