User Comments - KokaTiger

Posted on: Separable Verbs
August 01, 2010, 03:49 AMI totally agree. Everyone should listen to this Qing Wen.
Posted on: How many family members do you have?
August 08, 2009, 12:08 PMIn the dialogue "八口人?" is asked in response to "八口人". Is this a proper question format without the interrogative "ma"? Don't want to get too technical here on a newbie but am curious if something about the sentence eliminates the need to indicate a question. Thx.
Posted on: Pinyin Sections 5-6
July 22, 2009, 05:13 PMThanks for another great Pinyin lesson. My question is about the difference of the sound of "er" in pinyin and "r" in English even though they appear to be pretty similar. Jenny mentioned the tongue goes to the top of the mouth in "er". Is there an equivalent part of a word in English that would approximate this sound more closely than "r"? Thx!
Posted on: How Long Has This Been Going On?
June 27, 2009, 05:34 AM1. If you are uncertain about the age or historical significance of an object/place is there a polite way to not step on any toes when you ask how old it is?
2. For houses or apartments when would you switch from asking when it was made to asking about the age? Is there a good rule of thumb like a few years?
Posted on: Morning Hygiene
June 20, 2009, 04:46 PMIs the shower at night vs morning really a cultural difference or more of a male vs female thing? Men shave in the morning at least in the West, else they will have a 5 oclock shadow when they arrive to work. My wife and sister in law are chinese and they are definately nighttime shower people but my brother in law (also chinese) is in the morning. I'm actually quite curious about this.
As for a language question: how do you say to take a bath vs to take a shower? I have seen zhou4yu3 for "to shower" and xi3zao3 I have seen used for "to bathe" however in the lesson xi3zao3 is presented as "to shower". Is there a good way to distinguish? Thx.
Posted on: The Final Show
June 11, 2009, 05:19 PMWow, touchy subject. I also noticed Amber's name on the competitive site before I decided that Cpod was by far the better site in almost every imaginable way and signed up for the 12 month membership recently. I was a bit surprised she never came back to Cpod to post and from reading/hearing the some of the info surrounding her departure it did seem a bit contrived. But I am from NYC originally and it is very expensive. State tax rates of 10% on top of the federal, plus taxis set you back $15-20 if you are going halfway across manhattan. Even food is expensive. So let's give Amber a little break here. Unemployed is tough and you have to respect a person's dreams.
That said in no way do I think Ken was unfair in his comments. One of his most respected employees left for a competitor (or at least ended up at one). While this competitor is quite inferior, it's not unreasonable for him to put 2 and 2 together.
Anyways, I hope everyone can get back to learning Chinese! CPOD makes it fun. And hopefully all the employees/companies involved will make a ton of money helping us learn too.
Posted on: August, Study Tips and Expo Insights
August 01, 2010, 04:47 AMQW has a pretty good library of grammar points so I am sure it's getting harder to find new unexplored topics. Maybe future QW's can incorporate old material in new ways. However, the seperable verbs QW just this past week was new and also very useful.
Study strategy could be really interesting also. So I'll reserve judgement and hope for the best!