Relevant Content
We'll always make sure you know exactly what the lesson is about. You will easily understand whether it is relevant for you.


Great Hosts
Here at ChinesePod, all our lessons are presented in an entertaining manner by our great hosts. You'll find language learners, teachers, and even professors sharing their insights, ideas, and teaching methods in our video and audio lessons.
Brief Lesson Summaries
A brief introduction of the lesson will always tell you what this lesson is about and what language level is the intended target. If you're interested in the subject, but might not be able to understand it in full, fear not; we have transcripts of lesson dialogues vocabulary so you can follow along.
ID: 0729 Advanced
也许你很向往去一趟西藏,亲眼见证它的辽阔简约;也许你已经去过圣洁、神秘的西藏,去过庄严的寺庙,见过虔诚的僧人,甚至接受过他们的祝福 ......神秘的西藏有神秘的藏传佛教,藏传佛教让西藏更神秘。今天的课程,就让我们一起来了解一下藏传佛教吧。
Awesome Materials
Our lessons contain natural communication in Chinese in video and audio format. We have have lessons focused on video or a podcast format and our lessons have transcripts of Lesson Dialogues, Important Vocabulary, Expanded Materials for a deep dive into the lesson topic and Exercises focused on testing your retention.
jìde shàngcì nǐ shuō zài kàn guānyú zàngchuán fójiào de shū 。
ng4 ,gǎnxìngqù ma ,suǒyǐ zhǎo yīxiē shū láikàn 。
wǒ yě duì tā tǐng gǎnxìngqù de ,zhènghǎo kěyǐ qǐngjiào nǐ yīxià 。tīngshuō zàngchuán fójiào hé wénchéng gōngzhǔ yǒuguānxì ,shì ma ?
duì ,suīrán duìyú tā de qǐyuán hái yǒu biéde shuōfǎ ,dànshì xiànzài dàjiā bǐjiào rèntóng de yīdiǎn jiùshì dāngshí de zàngwáng qǔ le Níbóěr gōngzhǔ hé tángcháo de wénchéng gōngzhǔ ,liǎng wèi gōngzhǔ dōu dàiqù le fóxiàng 、fójīng 。zàngwáng zài tāmen de yǐngxiǎng xià guīyī fójiào ,cóngcǐ fójiào jìnrù le Xīzàng 。
Natural Dialogues
Each lesson is centered around a natural dialogue with key vocabulary directly prepared and translated for your use. You can also listen to each sentence as an individual recording to improve your listening and comprehension skills.
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