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Lili and Zhang Liang 14: Seeking Comfort

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Brief Lesson Summaries
A brief introduction of the lesson will always tell you what this lesson is about and what language level is the intended target. If you're interested in the subject, but might not be able to understand it in full, fear not; we have transcripts of lesson dialogues vocabulary so you can follow along.
ID: 0510 Intermediate
What will our friend Lili do now that she has broken up with Zhang Liang? Run into the arms of a conniving friend? or show up on the doorstep of an internet millionaire? That is for you to find out in this podcast, wherein Lili seeks comfort and you will learn how to give some--in Mandarin Chinese.
Awesome Materials
Our lessons contain natural communication in Chinese in video and audio format. We have have lessons focused on video or a podcast format and our lessons have transcripts of Lesson Dialogues, Important Vocabulary, Expanded Materials for a deep dive into the lesson topic and Exercises focused on testing your retention.
Detailed Vocabulary
Each lesson has it's unique vocabulary and will provide you with definitions and recordings so you can practice the pronunciation. You will also be able to grasp the core material of a lesson at a glance. Here we're showing you the Simplified Chinese version.
平凡 píngfán ordinary
联系 liánxì to contact
开心果 kāixīnguǒ pistachio
分手 fēnshǒu to break up
Lìli ,yào jiàn nǐ yī miàn zhēn nán ā !
Lili, it's so hard to get together with you!
suàn le ba 。nǐ cái shì dàmángrén ne !měitiān bù shì shàng diànshì jiùshì shàng bàozhǐ ,xiàng wǒmen zhèyàng de píngfán rén nǎ gǎn zhǔdòng liánxì nǐ ā 。
That's enough. It's you who is the busy one! Every day if you're not on the TV then you're in the newspaper. An ordinary person like me--how could I dare to take the initiative to get in touch with you.
nǐ gēn biérén kě bù yīyàng 。wǒ zài máng ,dōu yào jǐ chū shíjiān lái jiàn nǐ 。duì le ,shàngcì wǒmen zài kāfēiguǎn pèngjiàn zhīhòu ,wǒ gěi nǐ fā duǎnxìn ,nǐ zěnme dōu bù huí ā ?wǒ hái yǐwéi nǐ bù xiǎng jiàn wǒ ne 。
It's different with you than with other people. If I were even busier, I still would squeeze in the time to come and see you. Oh, last time after we met in the coffee shop I sent you a text message, how come you never responded?
méiyǒu 。bùguò ,qiánduàn shíjiān wǒ xīnqíng bùtài hǎo 。
No, not at all. But in the last little while my mood hasn't been that great.
Natural Dialogues
Each lesson is centered around a natural dialogue with key vocabulary directly prepared and translated for your use. You can also listen to each sentence as an individual recording to improve your listening and comprehension skills.
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